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For those of you who read my earlier post or follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll know that I underwent surgery on my thyroid last month.

One thing I noticed when frantically googling in a pre-op panic was there didn’t seem to be much information on people’s personal experience with having a thryoidectomy.

I don’t know if I was just looking in the wrong places, but for those of you who are facing a similar situation to me, I wanted to provide an insight into my surgery and my personal experience of having a thryoidectomy (thyroid removal).

I’m sorry for those of you who think it’s slightly irrelevant and a deviation from the coeliac theme of this blog but hey, variety is the spice of life!

After suffering years of an over-active thyroid, which can be linked to coeliac disease, I finally had my thyroid removed on 14th December.

Because I had a bit of a goiter (lump) where my thyroid was – a big part of the reason I was having it removed  – the incision ended up being relatively low down on my neck – nearer my collar bone.

The transformation has been amazing – I may have a scar (which is healing remarkably well) but for once I feel like my neck is normal and there’s no lump!

I stayed in hospital for four days, had half of my staples removed the day after my op and had the other half removed a few days later along with my drain.

For those of you that are curious (as I was) having staples removed sounds far worse than it actually is – I couldn’t even feel half of them coming out and the relief I felt afterwards made it worth it!

The drain however, was slightly less pleasant and having that removed was probably the worst part of my experience!

Three weeks after surgery, my scar is looking a lot healthier!

Now, three weeks later, my scar has improved a lot – I still have some numbness around that area and it’s still a bit sore but I figure that’s only to be expected after having major surgery!

Bio-Oil has also been my saviour – I would DEFINITELY reccommend this to anyone as it has stopped my scar itching or hurting as much and it is healing up so well already, I can’t believe it.

It took about two weeks for me to be able to drive and move my head properly again. Now I still have a little trouble moving my head enough to reverse and if I’m around a lot of people I can get a bit of an achey neck but I’ve found moving it has helped a lot with feeling better.

So there you have it – it’s not the most comprehensive view on my surgery (I didn’t want to bore/scare you all!) but I am feeling so much better for it and now I only have my coeliacs to think about!

If anyone has any questions or wants to share their experiences of thyroid surgery, comment below or email me on: [email protected].

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About Sarah Howells

Hi, I'm Sarah! Diagnosed with coeliac disease 20 years ago, I'm on a mission to create the best gluten free recipes since sliced bread. No fruit salads or dry brownies here.

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    1. Hi Lorraine,

      I am just happy to hear your good experience and as you correctly said there is no good experiences mentioned anywhere and a detailed explanation of yours step by step experiences.
      I was exactly looking for the questions which you had answered in your expereince like weight gain and all.
      How are you doing now ?
      i have hashimotos and your symptoms like chest congestion and breathing problems are all which i relate to. But my ENT surgeon told me that he cannot guarantee that even if the surgery is done the chest congestion will go away and i was shocked to hear that. I am thinking to consult one more doctor. May i know your doctor was ENT SURGEON or what qualification he had. I am not getting proper doctor who is ready to offer me time to answer my questions and to give me understanding of the procedure.
      This is the first time i am writing and asking online since your experience has helped me a lot . Before surgery do you use to get shoulder blade pain or pain in the back of the chest, shoulder pain,neck pain , pain in the ear socket I am asking you because my doctors are giving me individualized diagnosis going to gastroentologists, orthopaedic for acidity , shoulder pain and all that is normal. You mentioned you use to have burning in eyes at night time do u use to get during day time..
      How are doing now on calcium and other problems like fatigue, digestion , metabolism and all.
      I would appreciate your any response if time permits.
      Thanks to SARAH.

      1. I am having a hemithyroidectomy next week and have also been experiencing the shoulder blade pain. Did your doc comment on that at all ? I didn’t even think to mention it but it is not going away both front and back. My tsh levels are high and I have gained quite a bit of weight this past year, I am hoping I don’t have to wait 6 weeks to go on the meds ?

  1. I opted to have my hyperparathyroid removed and they found a rock hard mass in my thyroid. Parathyroid is a gland that sits next to the thyroid that creates the hormone that makes calcium when its hyperparathroid there is to much calcium in the blood which makes you very sick. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago I feel a little tired the doctor wont put me on a normal dose of medication until I drink the radio iodine. But I am on 90 milgrams of armour its a bio identical hormone. I have spoke with folks that went on the pharmaceuticals thyroxine or what ever its called and then they switched to armour and felt much better. I am so glad I did the surgery I can not believe the doctors that tried to talk me out of it, telling me it was dangerous. My scar is 3″ long and I did not have stitches I was an outpatient. I did gain about seven lbs, however I am not regular with my medication yet. I did spend a lot of time finding an ENT that was skilled. I interviewed five of them.

  2. Thanks Sarah,
    Your right! There isn’t much info out there on how to prepair for, or what to expect after :!

    I’m 55 and having the total thyroidectomy day after tomorrow. We are different in that I have hypo- with a Huge Goiter.
    I’m not even sure if 4″ will be large enough to get it out. My right lobe is 10 cm & the left is 11 cm.

    I will be so glad to get rid of this “bowling ball” in my neck, but am a bit worried about scarring. I’m not too vain but it is a concern. What is Bio-Oil?
    Also did you have unexplained weight loss or gain afterward?
    Thanks sweetie,


    1. Here is the link to the bio-oil website so you can have a look Kathy 🙂
      good luck with your op, I am sure it will all go well 🙂
      I didn’t have any weight loss or gain at all – initially i lost a bit because I wasn’t eating but as soon as it became less sore after a couple of weeks I went back to normal!
      I have found that going in the sun (with a high factor suncream on my scar so it doesn’t burn!!) has definitely helped me see an imporvement in the healing but you need to be VERY careful it doesn’t burn – I literally slap on the factor 50 and go out for half an hour a day! Also put bio-oil on twice a day – my scar has healed a lot over the last few motnhs, will post a more recent picture up soon.
      Good luckw ith your op – would love to hear how it goes!
      Best wishes,

    2. mine is the same kathy and i am due to have mine out after xmas after having a baby in me throat i am willing to suffer a scar i can hide with necklaces and scalfs

  3. Hi, i’m three weeks post thyroidectomy and feeling really well. It is so good to find positive comments, I was SO terrified before my surgery and I don’t think I should have googled so much as all I seemed to read was all the negative info and scary scar photos. My thyroid was removed due to suspect nodules, having Graves disease and being totally hyper… I had a fantastic surgeon and my scar is about 6 cm long and healing really well. I have lost the shakes and tremors in my hands and have not been feeling anxious sweaty and out of control since the op which I can’t quite believe just yet. My biopsy results were clear and cancer free so I just feel so thankful. I’m not vain but I was a bit freaked about having the scar on my neck but it’s such a small price to pay for feeling well again and there are people so worse off than me. I’m using Palmers Cocoa Butter Scar serum which is similar to Bio Oil and massaging three times a day and once the swelling goes down I really don’t think it will be very noticeable to others. I stayed in hospital for three nights although I could have gone home after two, they just wanted to check the calcium levels in my blood were all good before allowing me to go home. My first night was spent in the ICU in case of swelling, however I was eating ice chips, jelly and icecream four hours after the op. I did have a really sore throat and my voice kept cutting in and out for several days. My head and neck have been really stiff and I have just started driving as I wasn’t comfortable turning my head too far around prior to that. I’m taking 100mg thyroxine daily and will see how things go…all the blogs I read have said I will stack on the weight but I guess I’ll just have to eat healthy and wait and see! All the best to everyone, Best wishes, Penny

  4. My scar is pratically non-existant. My surgeon was incredible… truly you cant see a thing and it was only like an 1.5″ to being with and yes I had a total thryoidectomy. My only problem has been weight gain and my muscles are always sore. I dont know why but it’s been since the surgery. Anyone else have muscle trouble? I fell like and old lady and Iam only 44. Any suggestions

  5. oh and 2 weeks to recover was not the case for me. I actually was ready to go back 4-5 days after the surgery. I was tired sure but other than that felt just fine did not need pain meds. However it made my period pretty terrible for the 2-3 months after but they are getting better. I go in for my 2nd check up next month. I had removal on 2-24. I did not have to have a drain or anything like that. I was very nervous about having the surgery due to all the things that I was reading on line but it was alot easier that I was expecting. Dont be too nervous if you need to have your removed.

    1. I have felt pretty tired and achey after my surgery, but I put it down to working a 50 hour week running round a busy pasty shop!! However, am intrigued to find out after you mention this whether perhaps it is something to do with my thyroid? As I know what you mean about feeling like an old lady….and I’m only 22!! That is great about your scar and your quick recovery time! I have been left with a rather larger scar, so perhaps this is why it took me so long to recover….that and the fact I am a total wimp!! Thanks for sharing your story, it’s great to hear from others who have had this done – everyone’s experiences seem to be different! X

  6. Hi can i say thank you so much to everybody who has commented on here because i have just had my ultra sound and cell tests with the needle in the throat last week and am due to have my operation in january , the consultant on monday made it very clear to me the pros and cons but i have a large goiter and have had it for over 20 years and it is now to big to ignore. I was very scared till i read your stories on here but now feel alot calmer. After years of teasing and men looking at me like i have some child developing in my throat i have decided to have surgery and my daughter gets kids coming up to her and saying her mum used to be a man coz she has an adams apple…i was told that i will be low in calcium and on tablets for live and if the vocal chords fuse together then i will have to breathe through a tube in my throat but from what i have read and heard this is very rare.

    1. Sheryl, I am just now 2 days post op with the same problems you have. I had a very large mass that had even began to push down on my left lung that had likely been there for about 10 years. The surgery went very well and I do have a long scar but I believe it will be minimal after healing. I was in the hospital overnight and was able to come home with orders to take a calcium supplement along with pain meds and antibiotics. My doctor had also warned me about the nerves around my voicebox since the mass had been there so long. He told me after the surgery that he was able to easily move around them and I’ve had no problems with my voice.

      1. Kelley that is so good to hear your surgery went well, thankyou for commenting and sharing your experience.
        Sheryl I am so glad that these stories have helped to calm your nerves – I was panicking massively before my operation which is why I wanted to encourage people to share their stories – it is always the bad ones that get published but really there are so many more that are actually positive – people just don’t shout about them!

  7. Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for sharing your experience,.
    How are you doing now. I just ended up reading your blog today for the first time when i was googling regarding the surgery. I am commenting first time online after reading your good experience. Did you had total thyroidectomy or partial thyroidectomy. I am having hashimotos and left side 4.5 cm nodule and recently started breathing and chest congestion, shoulder blade pain, pain in the ear and ear socket , shoulder pain, left side of my brain feeling tight , pain at the left base of my neck but the ENT surgeon says its not all related and told me that removing the nodule not necessarily guarantee that my chest tightness will go. I am thinking to consult another doctor. , Wanted to know from you was your doctor a ENT SURGEON.. ?. My thyroid levels are normal. What symptoms you had before the surgery. Thanks once again.