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For those of you who read my earlier post or follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll know that I underwent surgery on my thyroid last month.

One thing I noticed when frantically googling in a pre-op panic was there didn’t seem to be much information on people’s personal experience with having a thryoidectomy.

I don’t know if I was just looking in the wrong places, but for those of you who are facing a similar situation to me, I wanted to provide an insight into my surgery and my personal experience of having a thryoidectomy (thyroid removal).

I’m sorry for those of you who think it’s slightly irrelevant and a deviation from the coeliac theme of this blog but hey, variety is the spice of life!

After suffering years of an over-active thyroid, which can be linked to coeliac disease, I finally had my thyroid removed on 14th December.

Because I had a bit of a goiter (lump) where my thyroid was – a big part of the reason I was having it removed  – the incision ended up being relatively low down on my neck – nearer my collar bone.

The transformation has been amazing – I may have a scar (which is healing remarkably well) but for once I feel like my neck is normal and there’s no lump!

I stayed in hospital for four days, had half of my staples removed the day after my op and had the other half removed a few days later along with my drain.

For those of you that are curious (as I was) having staples removed sounds far worse than it actually is – I couldn’t even feel half of them coming out and the relief I felt afterwards made it worth it!

The drain however, was slightly less pleasant and having that removed was probably the worst part of my experience!

Three weeks after surgery, my scar is looking a lot healthier!

Now, three weeks later, my scar has improved a lot – I still have some numbness around that area and it’s still a bit sore but I figure that’s only to be expected after having major surgery!

Bio-Oil has also been my saviour – I would DEFINITELY reccommend this to anyone as it has stopped my scar itching or hurting as much and it is healing up so well already, I can’t believe it.

It took about two weeks for me to be able to drive and move my head properly again. Now I still have a little trouble moving my head enough to reverse and if I’m around a lot of people I can get a bit of an achey neck but I’ve found moving it has helped a lot with feeling better.

So there you have it – it’s not the most comprehensive view on my surgery (I didn’t want to bore/scare you all!) but I am feeling so much better for it and now I only have my coeliacs to think about!

If anyone has any questions or wants to share their experiences of thyroid surgery, comment below or email me on: [email protected].

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About Sarah Howells

Hi, I'm Sarah! Diagnosed with coeliac disease 20 years ago, I'm on a mission to create the best gluten free recipes since sliced bread. No fruit salads or dry brownies here.

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    1. Hi, I am 5 days post op after having a multi nodule hemi thyroidectomy, I have 16 staples in my lower neck area and currently am finding It quite painful to keep my head up right as the tension at the back of my shoulders is awful, I have them removed on the 7th day so hopefully this will improve, my pain relief is now getting less, so things must be improving. I wonder why I had staples instead of sutures???? I return in 2wks for my results, they are annalyzing a frozen section of the gland checking for cancer cells, as this all began by feeling a painless sensation in my throat, having an ultra sound scan then FNA test, the 1st one being inconclusive, the 2nd one shown what was described as suspisious, and the words papillary cancer was told to me, along with a book ‘understanding thyroid cancer’, as you can imagine my world fell apart, I was so scared, I am a 54yr old female, quite healthy and have a wonderful family, the Mum to 2 grown up daughters, 3 grandsons under the age of 5yrs, and a marriage of 36yrs to a wonderful man, so hearing this was just awful. So they decided to operate, which I waited for about 5wks, they said that once the left side was removed they would send gland to the labs whilst I was still asleep, they would check It out and continue with a total thyroidectomy if It proved to contain bad cells. When I woke they had only taken the left side out, I thought GREAT, but the surgeon said it was inconclusive and It would be checked out more thourghly, I get the results in 2wks, so again I am worried sick, If It comes back bad then more surgery will follow, If good results then I can get on the road to a complete recovery and look forward to a healthy life.
      This is my 2nd thyroid operation, had 1st one in 1981 whilst 4mths pregnant, at the time I had been underactive, then over active, having experinced a goitre, the reason behind the op was for the health of my unborn baby, which I might say she turned out to be just fine. I really thought after having that op way back then that i would never have to have surgery again, but life is not always straight forward, never mind fingers crossed this will be a good outcome and all will be well. To everyone out there who is awaiting surgery, you will be ok. Todays surgery and care is a lot better.

      1. Hi Juliet, thankyou for sharing your experience on here, it is nice to see everyone leaving their own stories. Have you tried a hot water bottle on the back of your neck? I had awful stiffness for weeks but think it was partly because I was too scared my head would fall off if I turned it too much!!
        I think they try and put staples in because it minimizes the scarring, that is what they told me anyway……
        It sounds like you have had quite an experience, I’m sorry to hear it has been a bit of a rocky ride. It’s great that you still sound positive though, and I have found your story quite inspiring. I hope that you start to feel better soon and thankyou for sharing this.
        Sarah x

  1. Glad you are feeling ok Sarah. My Dad had this op in the early 1960s when I was quite small and his scar didn’t look as neat as yours, although I think after all these years it has faded now. He did end up 10 or so years later with the opposite trouble (I can never remember whether it is over or under active) when he had to drink radio-active iodine which did the trick, but now another 25 – 30 years on he is on thyroxine, so he has had trouble with his thyroid for most of his life.

    Are you ok to drive so soon after an operation – I thought insurers didn’t recommend it for several weeks?

    All best wishes,

  2. Voice after surgery was fine! Talking seemed like a lot of effort at first but so did everything else – was a bit quieter than usual but nothing wrong with it. One of my main symptoms of hyperthyroidism was that I talked super-fas, so was a bit of a shock at how slowly I was talking after the op!

    Scar does seem to be very neat and yes, it is a little longer and lower down than expected! Think this is due to the size my thyroid was as it was very over-active.

    Sue – thanks for the tip about driving, I hadn’t thought of this! It had been 3 weeks since my surgery and am feeling fine but I will ring my insurers tomorrow to double check just incase!

  3. Hi
    so glad your op went well, and it is a very neat scar. I had the op 2 yrs ago, after having very over actice thyroid T4 =72!! so i will be interested to see how you get on now. I havn’t had a diog for Ceoliac, but have a lot of the symtoms and only recently came across the link to Graves disease. unfortunately I havn’t had a lot of support over the thyroid. the thinking seemed to be , your thyroid is sick, take it out, there you go, all better, no thyroid therefore no illness!! for me , not so!I’m so glad I’ve found your blog and am working my way through the archive, so good luck and thank you in advance, for the no gluten advice.

  4. I’m due to have a total thyroidectomy in 3 days time. I can’t help but look up pictures of thyroidectomy scars – i’m so worried about it! I’m also worried about talking, even if it is all fine, the thought of it seems so much effort already!
    I’ve got a 14 month old baby, I worry I’ll need 2 full weeks off being a mum if you say you couldn’t really turn your neck. And I thought I would only be in for a night – why were you in for four nights?
    I’m freaking out!!!!!!
    But thanks for your blog, it’s nice to hear a very calm report of the surgery.

  5. Thankyou so much to everyone for your comments – it has been great to hear surgery went well for others and has made me feel more supported and optimistic through my experience!

    Jane – that is an amazingly overactive thyroid!! I think my t4 was 40-50 something so also very high but I thought that was bad! I think it is a bit of an issue to find support when you have a thyroid problem – I have been very lucky with my consultant as he has been very supportive and helpful and I seem to be well on the road to recovery now (with the added bonus of free prescriptions for life, always nice!)

    Ashleigh – I am so glad you have commented on this and found this helpful because 3 days before my op I was in EXACTLY the same position as you – terrified with no idea what to expect and manically googling every detail!!
    I don’t know why I was in hospital for so long – a combination of things I think but have noticed through my research that diff hospitals/countries etc vary from day surgery to longer stays! Firstly – they removed some of the little lobes (the name has failed me?) which help produce calcium and my calcium levels dropped very low which meant I had to go on a drip and be monitored for a few days. I also had a (and I quote) “very large and oozing” (that makes me cringe every time, yuk!!) thyroid which was still a tiny bit overactive and therefore I had a surgical drain which I think collected more than they thought, etc. So that’s why I think I was in for so long but I can’t speak for every hospital!
    Also – I think the reason it took 2 weeks to be able to gain more mobility in my neck was that I had a very large scar and was also scared to take off my dressing which was stopping my movement a lot! I also am a massive wimp and it seems other people recovered quicker than me!

    Good luck for your surgery – I’m sure it will be absolutely fine and I hope this has helped!


  6. Also I forgot to mention (I think?) that I contracted a nasty cold/flu thing as soon as I left hospital so that meant I took a lot longer to get better!

  7. hiya sarah thank you for writing about your 23 and had a total thydroidectomy a week ago i too googled absolutly everything from scars to proceedures i’d just rather know every detail! my operation went well also stayed in for 3nights when they said i would only be in for 1 but in all honesty i really needed to stay put! when i was in hospital all i kept thinking was im never going to b bk at work in 2weeks but after getting home and taking meds and having some good food in me i feel 100 times better!! my scar is very similar to yours maybe slightly higher on my neck but i am so happy after having a massive lump on my neck for 3years..when did you start using bio oil on your scar?

  8. Hi, I had my total thyroidectomy 3 weeks ago and I feel great. I could find nothing but horror stories when I was looking for info,so much so that I had second thought of having it done. I’ve been hypothyroid since 2001,was on synthroid for 4 years and after doing research switched to dessicated thyroid (erfa). My family dr didnt want to put me on but I insisted and he made me sign something that he didn’t agree with it lol. Anyway for the last year i was choking on food and choking i my sleep so bad it felt like I was suffocating, the heartburn was so bad I could feel in burning inside my ears at night, I went to my dr who said it was acid reflux and gave me prescription which i didn’t take, she didn’t feel my neck either !!!!!. After watching on dr. Oz about gluten allergies and doing my own research i discovered I had a gluten allergy,after I cut out gluten 90% of the choking stopped.
    So in April I was watching dr. Oz again (around Jan 22nd) and he was talking about thyroid cancer and was doing the water test (you drink water infront of a mirror and watch your throat as you swallow). Well I watched as this huge lump went up and down so I went to the drs and he sent me for a scan which showed a complex nodule the size of a golfball,I then had to have a fine needle biopsy which came back negative for the most dangerous cancer (can’t remember what its called). They said I should have a total thyroidectomy as the lump grew while I was on medication (which is used to shrink nodules) and I had small ones growing on the other side.
    So I had it removed on April 1st, the surgeon who did it was Dr. Joseph Wong,he had performed over 3000 so I knew I was in good hands. One of the other surgeons working on me (there were 3) told me just before surgery that thyroid tumours are like icebergs,what you see on the scan is usually just the tip which turned out to be very true. It had grown into my chest,was the size of a large potato,had pushed my trachea over and was restricting it and was on top of my aorta which would have caused big problems if it had had a chance to grow more and explained the heart palpitations I was getting.. The scar has healed so well,its less than 3 inches .I would post a pic but there’s not an option to add one) I feel great,so much better than before, I am taking my same dose but may have to have it increased. After surgery I felt really sick to my stomach and was in recovery for nearly 5 hours.I could only whisper and was in a lot of pain. I didn’t want anymore pain killers because I knew they would have made me throw up which wasn’t a very nice prospect considering the stitches in my neck. Apparently they put in 4 layers of stitches because they cut though 4 layers of muscles. I stayed in hospital for 2 days/nights so they could watch my calcium level which dropped a bit but didn’t go under 200 .My voice came back stronger after a day although it was deeper but now is close to what it was before but definately weaker ,that can take up to 3 months to get back to normal. I felt pretty weak and unsteady but by the second day I was walking round the hospital. I had a drain which they would suck out with a syringe a few times a day,it was a weird uncomfortable feeling but didn’t really hurt. I had the drain out the second day which I was dreading but it didn’t hurt at all, the nurse did it so quick. I had dissolvable stitches which I had to take of in the shower 10 days later, I was really happy with the scar. I kept a photo log of the scar which i can post. I take a lot of supplements and was taking them for about a month before which I think has a lot to do with me feeling so healthy so quickly . I take iodine,selenium,iron vitamin C and D,biotone EFA,calcium and magnesium s well as my desiccated thyroid. My experience was a really good one and I feel so much better,I was worried about putting on loads of weight as that was all i was reading about,I haven;t in fact I’ve lost weight, I think if you eat healthy and are on the right medication you won’t gain weight. I have a lot of energy and need sleep less than i did before. I had to sleep with a neck pillow for a while which helped and I didn’t drive for 2 weeks as my neck was still stiff. I just wanted to put out my positive experience out because I couldn’t find any,everything I read made me not want to get it done but I’m so glad I did 🙂 Lorraine

    1. I loved to hear tour stories i will undergo total thyroidectomy this 21st of July, please pray for my fast recovery. I really need this inspiration now

      thank you