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I am a religious egg-eater for breakfast. As I am currently prepping for a fitness photoshoot (eeek!) with my boyfriend/coach Steve @ Reform training me, I am on a very strict diet. I’m currently about eight weeks into my prep and I’m on a nutrition plan for calories and macros – that’s protein, fats and carbs. I’m training weights five times a week, sprints once a week and yoga on my rest day and most of the time I feel achey and accomplished… I am loving every single second of it!

I’ve become quite conscious of my health and fitness in recent years but never had the commitment to actually achieve the goals I want to. Well, there is nothing scarier than booking a photoshoot to motivate you! Having a terrifying goal which I never thought I could ever achieve has been the kick up the arse I needed to get me on track.

Now I’ve settled into how my diet is working, I’m tying to fine-tune it to make sure I’m in the best condition when it comes to tanning up and donning those skimpy sports clothes! Eeek! I’ve already pretty much cut dairy out of my diet and obviously because of my coeliac disease, I have always been gluten free.

But I’ve noticed now I have been having eggs for breakfast every single day – and sometimes in the evenings too – they leave me feeling gassy and bloated and I decided to cut them out for a week. I thought this would be difficult, but since I have got over the obstacle of what counts as ‘breakfast foods’ and realised this is just another meal like any other, I’ve been enjoying a variety of treats!

Here’s what I ate for my gluten free, dairy free, egg free breakfasts this week!


Monday I trained in the evening so it was a protein and fat meal. I had slices of smoked salmon (I normally buy the cheaper trimmings, but went for the posh stuff!) with half an avocado, plum tomatoes and lambs lettuce.


Another protein and fat meal -this time I had a lean chilli con carne I cooked in the slow cooker (minced beef, tinned tomatoes, a Knorr beef stock cube and some diced onions chucked in with chilli flakes, chilli powder, cayenne pepper and cumin) with half an avocado and lambs lettuce.



On Wednesday I had the delights of getting up extra early to train before work (dedication!) so I needed some low GI carbs to fuel me. I stir fried some pre-cooked turkey thigh mince with roasted peppers, tomatoes and sweet potato for a quick and easy meal. This was basically what I would put in an omelette – minus the eggs!



Another low GI carb day as once again it was time to cram a weights session in before going to work. This morning I was short on time so I used one of these handy Perk!er porridge pots. The apple and cinnamon porridge made such a difference from the usual ‘proats’ and I really enjoyed this as a treat!



As I was training later in the day on Friday, it meant I could enjoy another protein and fat meal for breakfast – and had a little more time to make it! I had some Heck pork squares (so delicious – like a cross between a sausage and a burger, and gluten free too!) and some aubergine left in the fridge (that was literally about it!) so I decided to experiment.

I popped the Heck squares into a hot griddle pan with a tiny bit of coconut oil and half way through them cooking, I added slices of aubergine with some pink Himalayan salt. I served it up with half an avocado and some Munchy Seeds omega mix to add some crunch!

This was probably my favourite of all the breakfasts, as it was a bit unusual and so simple to make.

What have I learned from my egg free week?

I’ll never be able to give up eggs completely – I didn’t feel as full after these meals as I do after my standard omelette, despite the macros and calories being very similar. I have. however, felt better and reintroducing eggs for a couple of days a week has seemed – so far – to be fine. I think I needed the time off of them for a week to reset but now I try to mix my meals so I have eggs some days, and not on others. All things in moderation!

What do you eat for breakfast? Do you avoid eggs or have similar issues? I’d love to hear your suggestions – comment below with your breakfast inspiration!

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About Sarah Howells

Hi, I'm Sarah! Diagnosed with coeliac disease 20 years ago, I'm on a mission to create the best gluten free recipes since sliced bread. No fruit salads or dry brownies here.

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