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I have been a bit busy of late.
I have now almost completed a week’s work experience at my local paper which I have enjoyed so much! But it has been a bit hectic and now I am trying to catch up with everything which is a bit of a nightmare!
It’s my Mum’s birthday party on Friday and we are going to have a go at making some gluten free goodies!! Will post up some pics and recipes when it has (hopefully successfully!) been completed!
Anyway, the point of this post is just to say that I need to renew my membership to Coeliac UK. A bit of a random reason to write a post but there we go! I always get annoyed when I get the stuff from Coeliac UK through the post. I know I shouldn’t but I see it almost as junk mail! It always gets pushed aside until I get so annoyed with the unopened envelope I just chuck it away.
BUT, before you agree/disagree violently with me, I am turning over a new leaf!
You see, my Mum was the one who encouraged me to keep my membership renewed but she has finally left it up to me, having given up trying to make me accept it was useful. Now I am taking the step to do it…BY MYSELF!
I am aware this is making me sound a bit like a perpetulant child. But have no fear! I am going to do MORE than just be a member! I want to get more involved and start making things happen. I want people to be more aware of Coeliacs and although awareness is growing, it will never be good enough for me!
You see, doing my work experience at the paper, I’ve realised how easy it is to make things happen. I’ve realised all the times I could have sent in a story but never did. And then I thought, why don’t I apply this to being a Coeliac? Why don’t I start going to meetings and reporting on the goings on? Why don’t I do a feature on what being a Coeliac really is?
This may seem like too little too late, but somehow I like to think I could make something happen….for all of us….