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Today (or Saturday, actually, as I am writing this post in advance!) is a beautiful, beautiful day, as I find out that we, the people, have won the battle to keep Firecracker Lobster crisps, and the world is good again.
I know, by now you’re probably thinking, “What the hell is she on about?” (Bare with me here – I shall get to the point!)
Well, my friends, we spoke, and they listened, and we have won!
I would like to share a little story with you about ‘people power.’
Once upon a time, there was a truly amazing flavour of crisps called ‘Firecracker Lobster’, brought to you by the lovely, coeliac-friendly people at Burt’s Potato Chips.
But one day, I was horrified to discover that Firecracker Lobster was to be discontinued!
After many sleepless nights of tears and torment, I decided that (even though the pesto crisps they brought out were actually amazing) I needed Firecracker Lobster back in my life.
I lobbied them on Facebook for a few months, as did others, and then, low and behold, one day the future started to look bright,
‘Should be bring back Firecracker Lobster?’ they asked? To which the fans responded a resounding yes.
And, true to their wonderful word, these beautiful pink packets appeared back on the shelves, with a new, crinkly twist.
And then, to make matters even more perfect, Burts decided to ask people to vote on the fate of the Lobster…should it stay or should it go?
They asked, you answered, and now, my lovely friends, I shall end this post, with this one message, and a resounding thank you.
I hope this is a lesson to all of us, that if we make our gluten free wishes heard and push brands, the good ones among them really will listen!
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