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Sometimes life throws in some really spooky coincidences!

Take, for example, how my boyfriend (Personal Trainer Steve!) was telling me how much he wanted to try Chickpea pasta for it’s health benefits, and two days later I’m contacted by a company that would like to send me samples of some!


Well, of course I couldn’t refuse, and when I got home to find two packets of Dell’Ugo’s fresh chickpea fusilli sitting in my fridge, I couldn’t wait to try it!

Dad was cooking up some of his bolognese (I don’t know how he does it, but it’s always so yummy!) so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to test it out!

There were so many things that impressed me about this pasta.

I’ve never had fresh pasta before – it was so much quicker to cook – taking only 4-5 minutes in boiling, salted water.

The spirals were big and chunky, and the taste was really unique.

It did taste a little of chickpeas, and though it as different to the usual gluten free pastas I’ve tried, I found the flavour really pleasant.

It was nice to have a tasty pasta, instead of one that just absorbs whatever flavour it’s next to, and I found with bolognese this was perfect!

(Apologies for bad photos, my camera seems to have been having a funny moment!)

Overall, I was so impressed with this, and it’s definitely something I would buy as a treat! I have recently been chosen for Dell’Ugo’s gluten free taste testing panel and I can’t wait to see what I get sent next!

For more info visit Dell’Ugo’s website by clicking here.

What’s your favourite gluten free pasta? Share your finds by commenting below!

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About Sarah Howells

Hi, I'm Sarah! Diagnosed with coeliac disease 20 years ago, I'm on a mission to create the best gluten free recipes since sliced bread. No fruit salads or dry brownies here.

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  1. Amazing – I only heard about this product this morning and since I’d have to order it, it’s great to have quite coincidentally clicked through onto a review!